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Zurvita Dietary Supplement, Burn, 60 Capsules


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Retail Price: $46.95



Zurvita’s dietary supplement designed specifically to optimize your metabolism and improve your strength and performance. It supports healthy blood glucose levels and helps aid in overall health and wellness. Available in a 30-day supply of 60 capsules. Zurvita supplements are essential to supporting a healthy and active lifestyle. When taken together, they work to maintain healthy bodily function, allowing you to be your best, inside and out.

  • Contains 833% of your Vitamin B12 daily value
  • Nutrients including green tea extract, coenzyme Q10, rice concentrate, rice extract and more help optimize metabolism.
  • Gives you more energy and faster recovery.
  • Servings: 30 servings per bottle


Zurvita Dietary Supplement, Burn, 60 Capsules Reviews

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